Chernihiv region


We stand on the Desna cliff ... The wind rustles in the silk grasses, the curly willows fall to the ground with their branches. In high blue. Shulik floats slowly in the sky, surveying the expanses of the legendary land. Chernihiv, Nizhyn, Novgorod-Siversky, Pryluky, Lyubech! Your names in the history of the Fatherland shine with age-old unfading glory. And the silence of the Desna bows is guarded by the stamping of horses, the rattle of weapons, the noise of banners, the song of the plowman. From the walls of Putivl pours over Desna eternal love

Yaroslavna cries with grief. And it seems


Horses roar after Sula,

Glory is ringing in Kyiv,

Antimony trumpets in Novgorod, Flags are in Putivl-gradscho there, in covered with milky mists

valleys, shining shields of the Kiev Rus, burning velvet Cossack robes, strict

the formidable army of the people's avengers, the Ukrainian Insurgent Army, is on the battlefield. How often,

too often your plowmen, Chernihiv region, had to leave the plow and go to.

military feat. But you persevered with valor, preserved your soul, your language, your own

unique art and amazingly beautiful nature. and...

Or (not from your land, the ancient Chernihiv-Sivershchyna, came eight centuries later

exciting lines "Words about Igor's campaign", a world-famous Slavic monument

writing? Your image from historical chronicles appears majestic and sublime:

the core of the powerful state of Kievan Rus with its center in Chernihiv, the second after Kyiv

by economic, political and cultural significance of the city in Kievan Rus. To this day your temples,

frescoes, ceramics, birch-bark deeds, your songs nurtured in generations, legends

and legends excite the imagination of descendants.

Chernihiv region. Squatting. Seversky Krai ...

You have inherited many names from past centuries, and each of them reflects one

feature, and even your uniqueness on the Ukrainian land. We speak: Chernihiv region,

and the modern highly developed industrial-agrarian area, one is seen

of the largest in Ukraine, which borders Russia with its northern outskirts and

Belarus, and in the south adjoins the middle Dnieper.

We say: Pridesnya, and the landscapes of Polissya with blue lakes and

dense forests, which on the border with Kyiv and Poltava are replaced by typical

paintings of the Ukrainian forest-steppe. This is the gray Dnipro-Slavutych, and its largest

a tributary - the dreamy Desna, and endless floodplain meadows, which can not be seen anywhere else

in Ukraine ... "

We say: the Seversky region, and the age-old history comes to life in memory, the echo of which

the immortal creations of architects froze to the surprise of their descendants. And the five-headed Savior,

and the golden-domed Borisoglebsk Cathedral, and the contemporary "Words ..." unique Pyatnytska

the church - in Chernihiv, and St. George's shrine - in Ostra, and Gustyn - near Pryluky,

and trade rows - in ancient Novgorod ...

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